Concussion Central of Canada
Concussion Central Audio Guide
Long-Term Disability & Concussions
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -28:47

Long-Term Disability & Concussions

Making the transition from short-term to long-term disability insurance a positive and successful experience, with Kim Patenaude of Raven Law LLP.


The biggest reason someone with a concussion will need legal assistance is over long-term disability insurance coverage. Roughly half of LTD claims are rejected by insurers, and getting coverage can be incredibly challenging for those with a concussion as an invisible injury.

To help us navigate these potentially choppy waters, we're thrilled to have Kim Patenaude as our guest. She is a lawyer with Raven Law in Ottawa, specializing in employment law, and an expert in long-term disability insurance. She’s also an engaging guest, and this show is a great listen. David and I enjoyed chatting with her.

In this episode, Kim walks us through the differences between short and long-term disability coverage, how and when to make the transition, the crucial role of doctors and specialists in getting approval for LTD coverage, and some helpful hints on managing the paperwork and when to turn to a professional for help.

We’ve given you some extra information this time; the first link leads you back to the CATT Online (the Concussion Awareness Training Tool). In an earlier episode, we spoke with Dr. Shelina Babul, the director of CATT Online. It offers training modules for anyone interested in learning more about concussions. In particular, there is a module for doctors to help them understand your injury and, importantly, your symptoms. Ensuring your doctor fills out the insurance forms appropriately is important to the LTD process.

The second link is to the Canadian Concussion Centre’s webinar series. Based out of Toronto, Ontario, and at the forefront of concussion research and treatment in Canada, they too are working to reach more people with concussions to help them understand their condition and recover. This webinar is called “Navigating Insurance Systems” and offers a different perspective on the insurance process.

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Good listening!

Jennifer Ruddy

Executive Director, Concussion Central

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2:40 – What is Long-term Disability Insurance

4:10 – Transitioning from Short-term to Long-term Disability

4:45 – Understanding the Elimination Period

5:07 – Definition of the Elimination Period

5:50 – Time frame for submitting LTD forms, asking for more time to gather the forms

7:07 – Best practices for making the filing process easier

8:09 – Definition of total disability

9:00 - Your doctors’ role in explaining your disability on their form

·      What is a concussion – For Medical Professionals (


12:10 – Using 3rd party help in filling out the forms (if you can’t)

13:30 – What if you’re denied

16:40 – Who is better? Your family doctor or a specialist?

17:40 – Forms are submitted; what’s next?

18:40 – What to do if the insurance company calls you at home?

21:00 – The appeals process

24:00 – Filing a statement of claim against the insurance company, the role of a lawyer

The Canadian Concussion Centre is also an excellent source of information on a wide range of concussion-related topics - though they are in a video format. The link below is the CCC’s webinar “Navigating Insurance Systems,” which provides different details on WSIB and Motor Vehicle Insurance process.

Thank you to Raven Law LLP for supporting this episode of the Concussion Central Audio Guide.

Raven Law

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